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Winter Tree Emergencies: When And Why Immediate Removal Is Necessary

Tree Removal

Beaver Dam Tree Service co-owner, Mark Sill giving thumbs-up while being attached to a tree trunk with a harness. Posted by: Beaver Dam Tree Service 10 months ago

A fast response to winter tree removal emergencies not only prevents potential property damage but also helps keep your family safe while minimizing disruptions to essential services during the challenging winter months.

Why Remove Trees In The Winter?

Outside of emergencies, there are a few other reasons that removing trees during the coldest season of the year can be a good idea.

Trees Are Dormant

Deciduous trees (such as oak, maple, and other common Indiana trees) have shed their leaves and entered a period of dormancy, making it easier for us to assess the tree’s structure and identify any potential problems.

Less Disruptive

While we pride ourselves on removing trees with minimal disruption to the surrounding landscape no matter the season, the winter season makes it even easier to do so. Frozen ground helps minimize damage to the landscape and prevents soil compaction. 

Snow cover can even be used as a protective layer, reducing the impact of falling branches and debris on the ground.

Challenges Of Winter Tree Removal

For the most part, we’re removing trees in the winter due to emergencies. Heavy snow, wind, and ice all play a role in damaging trees.

Safety Is Our #1 Priority

Safety precautions, such as appropriate clothing, anti-slip footwear, and regular breaks for our tree removal teams to prevent frostbite, are essential as we work outdoors this winter. 

In addition, some of our equipment may require special attention and maintenance to function well in colder temperatures.

Act Quickly

As with any emergency, it’s essential to act quickly to ensure both people and property are kept as safe as possible. For example, in cases where a weakened or damaged tree is in danger of falling onto structures, roads, or power lines, emergency winter tree removal becomes essential.

Considering Winter Tree Removal In Kosciusko County?

In our business, winter tree removal in Kosciusko County is a viable option with both advantages and challenges. Taking advantage of the dormant state of trees can allow for a more thorough assessment of their condition, and the frozen ground provides a stable surface for removal. 

However, safety precautions, equipment considerations, and adherence to local regulations are essential to successfully and responsibly carrying out tree removal during the winter months in Northern Indiana.

If you have trees on your property that have been damaged by winter weather or you’re concerned could pose a danger this season, don’t risk trying to remove them yourself. Give us a call and let the experts handle it for you!